The empire-building experts at NEXTGEN are teaching you how to lay a proper foundation for building your own empire in a LIVE 5-hour workshop designed especially for new and aspiring business owners.

The success of your business is rooted in the  foundation it’s built upon.

The number of businesses that start and  fail within 3 years is staggering.  Statistics show that many entrepreneurs don’t take the needed steps early on that will set their business up for success.  In fact, many business owners don’t know all the steps needed.

Your business could be the next fast-growing empire, but you must have the right foundation  first.

√ Are you ready to go from a great business idea to a great business?

√ Are you eager to take your side hustle to the next level?

√ Did you launch your business in the past 3 years and you’re not sure you have all your ducks in a row?

√ Did you know lacking the proper foundation means you’ll pay up to 40% more in taxes than you should?

√ Did you know lacking a proper foundation could put your personal assets at risk?


Introducing our new workshop:

Foundations for Building an Empire™ is a new business workshop designed to teach you how to establish your business with a foundation that will:

protect your assets.  track your cash flows. position you for growth.

our offering




A LIVE, in-person workshop where we will:

  • establish or evaluate your legal structure,
  • obtain the necessary tax identification numbers (EIN, sales tax & employer tax)
  • identify your optimal tax classification and file the proper elections,
  • on-board your business with accounting software and complete initial training, and
  • create a budget + projection for the 2020 tax year that achieves maximum tax efficiency



In addition to all the resources you will gain from our workshop, you will also have 1-on-1 follow up consultations. You will schedule 2 follow-up consults with our team to check-in during the months following the workshop to make sure everything is on track.



You have questions and we have the answers. There will be Q&A time to get all of your start-up questions addressed.

During the workshop we’ll work through NEXTGEN’s  SmartStart™ program where we:

s –  set up the legal entity (or evaluate your current entity)

t –  tax ids are obtained

a – acquire optimal tax classification

r – recommend  accounting software & complete on-boarding

t – twelve-month  financial budget/projection

Taking your business to the next level requires the right foundation. We’ve already worked 1-on-1 with business owners just like you who are not content with just owning a small business; they want to build an empire that leaves a lasting legacy.  Join us at Foundations for Building an Empire™ to ensure you are a part of the next generation of great businesses.

Foundations for Building an Empire is being offered   live  and   inperson.  The training is completed in 2 parts and requires attendance for both days. Make the investment of your time and resources to get your business started on the right foot.




9:30 – 12:00p

Breakfast included


9:30 – 12:00p

Breakfast included



Starting and building a business takes hard work.  Don’t let your work be in vain! Join us to ensure you establish a strong foundation as you begin building an empire.

regular pricing



Only regular pricing is available when you reserve your seat after December 4, 2019

Payment requires 50% due immediately and 50% due 10 days before workshop.



i’m cindy mcghee

CPA and Founder of NEXTGEN Tax Services.

For many, a great business idea comes easy, but starting a business is far from easy.  Many  entrepreneurs learn way too late that mistakes made in the initial start-up phase have stifled their growth and dashed their dreams of building an empire. I would love to help you avoid those early mistakes to ensure you are set up for success from day one.

Many aspiring entrepreneurs are already experts in their respective industries.  In contrast, most are not experts in the legal, accounting and tax matters associated with starting a business.  Let’s pair your expertise on your business with my expertise in business start-up.  I’ve had the privilege to do this work with many business owners, and I hope you’ll join me in 2020 to start building your own empire.



You hear it said all the time, “you don’t know what you don’t know.”  What I didn’t know ended up costing me 15% of my profits from my business for the first 2 years.  I didn’t file an important tax election, that I had no idea I needed to file.  Thankfully, I connected with NextGen, but I would have been giving the IRS more than I should for years had I not worked with them.  I just wish I would have learned about it sooner.

-Watkins -Tulsa, OK

Before working with NextGen I had a family member who set up my business and did my taxes for free.  Little did I know “free” was actually costing me a lot.  After completing the SmartStart program I was properly set up to pay less in taxes and have greater profits.  Plus, I had a much clearer vision for my business by having a formal budget for the year and using the software to compare my actuals against that budget.  It really was a game-changer for me and my business.

-Smith – Owasso, OK

From the day I got my business idea, all I wanted to do was launch it.  I didn’t want to worry about the back office stuff, kept my receipts in a shoebox, and figured I’d deal with it later.  I hired NextGen to do the SmartStart program for me and in less than 2 weeks it was done.  I could focus on handling my business and they did everything else.  It was definitely money well spent!

-Harvey – Tulsa, OK

I already had a CPA filing my taxes for me every year, but they never told me my business set up was not correct.  Now I know every CPA is not equal.  I highly recommend working with Cindy and the NextGen team even if you’ve had your business for a few years.  They taught me things I’d never heard of before and it saved me a ton of money!

-Hadley – Norman, OK


asked questions

Do I need to attend 2 days of workshops?

Yes! Establishing your LLC requires a waiting period with the Secretary of State therefore completion of the program requires work on 2 days.  Plus, once we get initial details about your business during part 1, we complete an initial accounting setup that is customized to your business that is ready for you when we begin part 2.   Your total time investment is 5 hours, and the value we’ll pour into you during that time will make it time very well spent.

Is there a payment plan available?

Payment is required in 2 installments – 50% at registration, and the balance will be automatically charged to the same payment method 10 days prior to the workshop start date.

How much individualized attention will I receive?

Class sizes are limited.  Each attendee will receive group instruction during part 1 of the workshop with group Q&A.  Part 2 of the workshop will include 1-to-1 work throughout the session.  This model helps keep your cost low.  Post workshop follow up consults are 1-to-1.

Am I a good candidate for this workshop?

If you’ve read this far, I’m guessing the answer is YES!  If you’re an aspiring business owner, and existing owner within the first 3 years you are a great candidate for this workshop.  Click below and let’s get started!

Starting a business alone is   hard. Starting a business with NextGen is   easy.

Let’s get you on the road to your 7-figure empire.

contact us

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